Ways a developer’s life should be in this modern world!

With so much to be carried out as a developer, most of the developers spend 60% of their life, staring at the computer screens. The normal routine for any developer, like a freelance Wordpress plugin developer , would be to sleep, work, code, test, back home, eat, and repeat. This makes life boring and actually less space for creativity is left. Though much is to be done on the developer’s part, as the ticking time always makes them feel, something more could have been done. Whether they are overburdened by the deadlines, or more creativity and market trends are to be addressed, everything seems to be less! While there is so much more to be accomplished, with every passing minute, here is something that needs to be taken care of. Here in this blog post, we acknowledge a few things that a developer can do, to make sure he is living his life to the best! Explore as much as possible Traveling is a fun activity, this helps in refreshing your mind...